Exploring the Benefits of Zirconia Crowns

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If you have a tooth that is broken, has decay or is otherwise weakened, one of our dentists at Sarko Dental Associates in Scottsdale may recommend a dental crown. A crown is a cover that looks like a real tooth, which a dentist puts over the damaged tooth to restore its look and function. They can also be used with implants or bridges.

If you need a crown, one of the considerations is the type of material. They come in porcelain, metal and other materials, which each has its pros and cons that the dentist can discuss with you. Another option is a zirconia crown, which is a dental crown made of zirconium dioxide. Here at Sarko Dental Associates, we have the ability to make zirconia restorations in just a single visit!

A Natural Look

Metal crowns stand out against natural teeth with their gold, silver or other color. Zirconia crowns offer the resemblance of natural teeth, as they're ceramic dental crowns that come in a similar shade to tooth enamel that can be tailored based on your smile’s natural appearance.


Strength is important in teeth, as they have to withstand the impact of chewing and need to last a long time. This is especially important in crowns that support otherwise damaged or weakened teeth. Zirconia creates durable crowns, as they are strong and long-lasting crowns that can handle more force than some other materials as they are the strongest type of porcelain available on the market today.

Tooth Preservation

Zirconia crowns are extremely biocompatible, keeping the tissue surrounding the tooth happy and healthy. Our dentist doesn’t need to remove as much of the natural tooth to fit a zirconia crown over it. In addition, we can leave more of the surrounding teeth when using this type of crown. This is an excellent benefit for maintaining as much natural tooth and dental health as possible.  


A dentist uses advanced technology to create zirconia crowns, which helps to give you the best fit possible. In addition to being more comfortable, a precise fit also makes it quicker and easier to place the crowns, creating a more comfortable experience. We can easily customize this material to give you the best fit and have it match your bite for the most comfort. Plus, this material doesn’t transfer hot and cold like some other crowns, so it can be more comfortable to enjoy hot and cold foods and beverages.

Schedule a Consultation

With its many benefits, zirconia is a top choice for high-quality crowns. Discuss your options with one of our dentists during your next visit with us, and find out if zirconia dental crowns are the best choice for your smile goals. Schedule a consultation with our dedicated dental care team at Sarko Dental Associates today.

Call (480) 951-2782 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.